Wednesday, January 22, 2020


First, I came to my blog this morning and just couldn't think of anything to write so I visited some on my reading list and took off reading your favorite blogs, too. Interesting journey, always looking for interesting blogs and their owners from all places and walks of life...

Then I thought I'd do an update for those of you who have been following along for years, so here goes:

Honey Bear was an engineer and had a varied career which took us to different states in the south....then in 2011 he retired from that work, went to learn a new skill and worked in home health for 8 years. In 2019 he gave that up and is now volunteering with Hospice and Downtown Rescue Mission. He, also, is painting again and on Friday's goes to the Senior Center to attend an art class. He keeps his painting supplies and the works in progress out in the dining room where the light is good....In addition, he has his yard, garden and chickens to care for.

I have been a homemaker for the majority of my married life...I don't stay as busy with activities outside the home as I once did but I still keep busy with various clubs and groups.

I have written about my daughter some and the wee ones...not so wee anymore....The Princess started at Auburn University last fall....
This is probably from around 2008

Wonder Boy will graduate from same this Spring...He majored in Aeronautical Engineering.

My son has recently been deployed to Hawaii with his wife and my great grandson whom they are raising...Their oldest some finished college and is working in California, the younger son is at the University of South Carolina.

I wish I had a recent photo of the entire family but when they become adults it is hard to get them altogether....
Wonder Boy


  1. I enjoyed the update. Even though I knew much of this, I had forgotten some. I can remember when two of your grandkids were young children--it really marks the passing of time to see how they have grown!

  2. Loved the update. My your grandchildren have really grown up I can remember them as being very young when I first started visiting.

    God bless.

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  4. I have tried to do an update on me too. I need to update about my grands! I enjoyed reading about you and your family.

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  8. It's been awhile since I stopped in to peek at how you are doing. All is well at the "Little Homestead in the Village" ( Between normal chores, planning a larger garden and helping to live stream church and doing social media , I have plenty to keep busy. Way hoping to transplant some beets today but its raining. Oh well, maybe tomorrow. God bless you all! ~ Hugs ~ Miss Kimmie the Barefoot Gardener

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  10. Wow!! I loved your update! Our babies are all grown up!!! I notice you haven't blogged in a while. I hope you are good. Happy Thanksgiving.

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